Brand New For 2023!
Festival On Fire
Make it Savage - Home of the Fire Cage
FREE fire cage demonstrations all weekend
12.15 pm
Introducing the Rocket Grill
Savage BBQ’s latest offering – you don’t want to miss this! We’ll be joined by Ashleigh Gardner who’ll be showing you what this grill is made of with Korean style pulled pork and vegetable fritters that will make your mouth water.
2.15 pm
Meet the Savage BBQ Antikristo
Traditional Greek style cooking by flame. In the hills of Crete, shepherds would quarter either goat or lamb skewered on this beautiful BBQ and leave to sow cook all day ready for their return. Watch and enjoy the sights and smells. Then enjoy a taster session of what’s cooking.
Fire Cage Demo
Savage Boss Eddy will be showcasing his pride and joy – the Fire Cage 1800 in all its flaming glory. Find out about how it works, what’s his favourite things to fire cook and all the incredible accessories that go with it. Prepare to be amazed!
This schedule is subject to change
Savage BBQ was born from our passion for the great outdoors and cooking amazing fire-food to share with friends and family.
Our products include our amazing South American style Fire Cages and our handmade to order, solid wood Indoor and Outdoor Furniture.
Have a browse through our collections and get in contact to chat to us about what you want from your Savage BBQ Experience.